
Work 4 sets A1) RDL x8 Increasing A2) Strict Pull-ups x4-6 (add weight if you can) WOD AMRAP 8 min 12 KBS 24/16kg 9 Pull-ups Rest 2 mins AMRAP 8 mins 6 C2B 9 Push-ups 12 Alt DB Snatch 50/35#


Work 4 Sets A1) Box Step-ups x6/side (DB/KB) increasing A2) Floor Seated DB Strict Shoulder Press x6 Increasing WOD 4 Rounds 21 SDHP 95/65# 3 Rope Climbs 400m Run Cap:25 mins


Work 4 Sets A1) Bench Press x5 @75% (No Break) A2) Deficit Push-ups x10 (Use Plates) WOD AMRAP 7 mins 10 Box Jump overs 24”/20” 10 Alt DB Snatch 50/35# Rest 3 mins AMRAP 5 mins 15 Air-Squats 10 Sit-ups 5 Pull-ups Finisher/Core 3 sets 2 TGU/side


Work 4 Sets A1) Wall Walks x4 A2) BB Hip Thrust x6 Increasing (Hold 2sec at the top) WOD AMRAP 12 mins 15 T2B 60 DU 10 T2B 40 DU 5 T2B 20 DU Finisher/Core 3 sets AB 20sec Max Cal Rest 1:30


Work Power Clean (TNG) 5×4 Increasing WOD 15 Shoulder to Overhead 165/115# 15 Bar Facing Burpees 30/20 Cal Row/AB 10 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Bar Facing Burpees 20/15 Cal Row/AB 5 Shoulder to Overhead 5 Bar Facing Burpees 10 Cal Row/AB Cap: 20 mins