
WOD Team of 2 100 Thrusters 95/65# *One work one holds front rack, every time you break 5 Synchro burpees Cap: 15 mins Rest 5 mins Team of 2 AMRAP 15 mins 200m Run together 40 Wallballs 20/14# 40 Push-ups


Work 5 Sets A1) KB Thrusters x8 Increasing (try to be UB) A2) 30sec L-sit Hold hanging on the bar WOD AMRAP 8 Mins 12 Wallballs 20/14# 9 KBS 32/24kg 6 DB or KB STOH 50/35#   Rest 2 mins   AMRAP 5 mins 21 Med Ball Cleans 20/14# 15 Read more…


Work Skill Session A) 8 Mins of Butterfly pull-ups, kipping pull-ups, Beat swing, or T2B B) 8 Mins of HSPU, HSW (Choose what needs work!) WOD 10 rounds 10 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Sit-ups Rest 30sec   Cap: 25 mins