
Work Bench Press 6×2 Increasing (Rest 2 mins) WOD EMOM 8 mins 0- 12 KBS 24/16kg 1- 30sec Max Cal Row Rest 5 Mins EMOM 8 mins 0- 7 Thrusters 95/65# 1- 8 Burpees Over the bar


17.2 AMRAP 12mins 2 rounds 50ft DB front rack walking lunges 50/35# 16 T2B 8 DB Power Cleans 50/35# Then 2 rounds 50ft DB front rack walking lunges 50/35# 16 Bar MU 8 DB Power Cleans 50/35#


Work Sled Pull 6x50ft Increasing (Rest 1 min) WOD AMRAP 7 mins 10 Ground to OH 45/25# 10 Burpees to Plate   Rest 5 mins   AMRAP 7 mins 10 Front Squats 95/65# (from the ground) 10 KBS 24/16kg


Open 17.1 For time: 10 DB Snatches 50/35# 15 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 20 DB Snatches 15 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs 30 DB Snatches 15 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs 40 DB Snatches 15 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs 50 DB Snatches 15 Burpee Facing Box Jump Read more…


Work Turkish Get-ups 6×2/side Increasing (Rest 1mins) WOD For time: 100ft Walking Lunges 21 Pull-ups 21 Sit-ups 100ft Walking Lunges 18 Pull-ups 18 Sit-ups 100ft Walking Lunges 15 Pull-ups 15 Sit-ups 100ft Walking Lunges 12 Pull-ups 12 Sit-ups 100ft Walking Lunges 9 Pull-ups 9 Sit-ups 100ft Walking Lunges 6 Pull-ups Read more…