
Work 5 sets 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (increasing) *From the rack WOD AMRAP 5 mins 25 DU 10 STOH 115/75# Finisher/Core Body Building 3 Sets (super set) 1) 6/side Bent Over DB Row 2) 10 Tricep Ext 3) 10 Bicep Curls Then rest Read more…


Work 4 Sets A1) 30sec Dead Hang on the Bar then max effort Pull-ups (Mod: Ring Row hold at the top 30sec then Max ring rows) A2) Plank hold on hands 30sec then Max effort Push-ups (Mod: push on knees keep hold on feet) WOD For Time 15-12-9-6-3 HSPU Power Read more…


Work 4 Sets A1) Double KB Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x6/side increasing A2) Seated Strict Shoulder Press x8 increasing WOD 3 Rounds 12 Thrusters 95/65# 14 Burpees over the bar 16 T2B   Cap: 18 mins


Work Death By Wallballs 20/14# WOD 0:00-5:00 10 Single Left Arm OH DB Lunges (5/side) 50/35# 5 C2B 10 Single Right Arm OH DB Lunges (5/side) 5:00-7:00 Rest 7:00-10:00 10 DB Goblet Squats 50/35# 5 HSPU 10:00-12:00 Rest 12:00-15:00 8 T2B 10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (5/side)


Work 4 Sets A1) DB Chest Press x8 Increasing A2) Strict Pull-ups x6 (Add weight if too easy or scale to 12 Ring Rows) WOD AMRAP 6 mins 3 Bar facing Burpees 3 STOH 155/105# 6 6 9 9 add 3 reps Finisher/Core 3 Rounds Max Effort T2B Rest 2 Read more…