
Work 4 Sets A1) SandBag Lunges x12 (6/side) (Mod: Medball, Plate, KB, etc) Must be bear hug A2) Seated Box Jumps x5 (try increasing height, should be challenging) WOD For Time 150 DU 60 Wallballs 20/14# 30 C2B 150 DU Cap: 12 mins


Work 4 Sets A1) 15 Ring Rows (try to be UB and challenging) A2) 12/side Banded Prone Hamstring Curls WOD 3 Sets AMRAP 5 mins 1 Rd of “DT” 1 Rd of “Cindy” Rest 2 min between sets “DT” (155/105#) 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Clenas 6 Push jerk “Cindy” Read more…


Work E2MO2M 10 mins Hang Squat snatch Below Knees x3 @70% WOD AMRAP 15 mins 6 Burpees Box Jump Overs 24”/20” 6 DB (use KB is not enough DB) Step Overs 50/35# 15 Push-Ups