
Work Bulgarian Split Squats 5×6/side W/ DB or KB (Go Heavy) WOD “Incredible Hulk” AMRAP 20 mins 5 Deadlifts 5 Hang Power Clean 5 Front Squats 5 Push Presses 5 Back Squats Rx: 115/70#


Work Skill Work 5 sets A1) Butterfly pull-up, kipping pull-up, or beat swing x10 A2) HSPU (strict, kipping, hold) x4-8 WOD *Running clock A) “Isabel” 30 Snatches for time (135/95#) Cap: 10 mins Rest 5 mins B) AMRAP 5 mins 9 Deadlift 135/95# 6 Pistols (3/side)


WOD “Humboldt Strong” 16 Rounds 18 Air-Squats 4 HSPU 6 DB Cleans 50/35# *With weight vest 20/14# In honour of the 16 players and personal staff of the Humboldt Broncos (AJHL) that passed away in a bus crash on April 6th, 2018, RIP. #HumboldtStrong