
Work 4 Sets Plank Hold 30sec on 30sec off Dead Hang 30sec on 30sec off WOD AMRAP 10 min 21 KBS 24/16kg 15 T2B 9 Burpees Rest 5 mins AMRAP 15 mins 6 Single Arm DB Thrusters 50/35# 12 Sit-ups 6 Single Arm DB Thrusters 12 Pull-ups *Switch arms for Read more…


Work Squat Clean 5×2 With pause at the knees, increasing (Drop and Reset) WOD 3 Rounds 2 Legless Rope Climbs 15 STOH 135/95# 20/15 Cal Row or AB (20/12 Cal) Rest 2 Mins Cap: 20 mins


Work 4 Sets A1) Single Arm DB Bent over Row x10/side Increasing A2) Single Arm KB Strict Press x10/side Increasing WOD 40-30-20-10 Medball Squat Cleans 20/14# Sit-ups *5 Burpees with each round (Start with the Burpees) Cap: 22 mins


Work 2km Row for time WOD 3 Rounds 12 Burpees over the bar 10 Front Squats 185/135# (From the ground) Cap: 15 mins Finisher/Core 3 Sets A1) KB Deadbug x20 (10/side) A2) DB Curl and Press x10