
Work 5 Sets 8/side Half Kneeling Arnold Press with band row hold WOD For Time 30/20 Cal Row or AB 30 HR Push-ups 25/16 Cal 25 HRPU 20/12 Cal 20 HRPU 15/8 Cal 15 HRPU 10/4 Cal 10 HRPU 18 mins Finisher/Core 3 Sets Glute Bridge Kick Out x8/side


Work 5 Sets A1) 200’ Bear Hug Sandbag Carry A2) 10 Tempo Push-ups (32×1) 3 sec down 2 sec hold WOD 21-15-9 Box Jump Overs 24”/20” Thrusters 115/80# DU x2 (42-30-18) Cap: 15 mins Finisher/Core 3 Sets 10/side Side Plank Rotations (add weight if you can)


Work KB Front Rack Back Lunges Front foot elevated on plates 4×5/side Increasing WOD For time: 20 Power Cleans 155/105# 10 Rope Climbs Cap:12 mins Finisher/Core 3 Sets 100’ Double KB OH walk 10 T2B Rest as needed


Work Front Squat 4×3 increasing (Tempo 32×1) (down in 3 sec hold 2 sec) WOD Team of 2 4 Rounds 20 Squat Cleans 115/75# 800m Row Cap 20 mins Or Individual 4 Rounds 10 Squat Cleans 115/75# 400m Row Cap: 15 mins Finisher/Core 60 Deadbug not for time