
Work Death by KBS 24/16kg Add 1 rep every min WOD 6 Bar MU 16 Thrusters 135/95# 4 Bar MU 12 Thrusters 135/95# 2 Bar MU 8 Thrusters 135/95# Cap: 15 mins Finisher/Core 75 Hollow Rocks not for time


Work Squat Snatch 7×1 increasing WOD AMRAP 6 mins 6 DB Squats 50/35# (two DBs) 6 Burpees over the bar Rest 4 mins AMRAP 6 mins 6 Snatch 115/80# 6 Burpees over the bar


Work EMOM 10 mins Odd: 10-12 KB Deadlifts 32/24kg (two KBs) Even: 10-15 Ring-Rows WOD AMRAP 15 mins 30 DU 20 Wallballs (20/14#) 10 Pull-ups Finisher/Core Accumulate 3 mins of plank Hold


Work Pause Front Squats 4×2 @80-85% (2 sec Pause at the bottom) WOD For time 25 T2B 800m Run 40 DB/KB (50/35#) Box Step Overs 24”/20” 25 DB Push-Press 50/35#   Cap: 25 mins


Work 5 Sets A1) Horizontal row with feet on bench x8 A2) Hamstring glider curls x10 (use 5 or 2.5lbs plates on grass) WOD AMRAP 12 mins 16 Alt DB Snatch 50/35# 9 Burpees over DB 6 C2B Finisher/Core 3 sets 9/7 Cal AB sprint No break into 10 jumping Read more…


Work 5 Sets A1) DB or KB Step-ups x6/side Increasing A2) DB Chest Press x6 Increasing WOD AMRAP 16 mins 10 Right Arm OH DB Lunges 50/35# 10 Left Arm OH Lunges 50/35# 15 Sit-ups 2 Rope Climbs