
WOD EMOM 45 mins – Assault Bike 12/9 cal – T2B 1×2 – Wallballs 20/14# x15 – Burpees x12 – KB OH hold 30sec 24/16kg – Box Jumps 24”/20” x15 – Row 15/12 Cal – DU x30 – DB Thrusters 45/30# x10


Work 5 Sets A1) Single Arm Strict DB Shoulder press x6/side increasing A2) Bulgarian Split Squat x6/side increasing WOD AMRAP 15 mins 5 Hang Squat cleans 135/95# 7 C2B 9 Box Jumps 24”/20


Work EMOM 12 mins Even: 15/12 Cal Row Odd: 10 Wallballs 20/14# WOD (Running clock) 3 Rounds 12 T2B 24 Air-Squats *Rest 3 mins* 3 Rounds 8 Thrusters 95/65# 10 Burpees over the bar Cap: 20 mins


WOD 12 Days of Christmas 1 Power Clean 225/155# 2 MU 3 HSPU 4 Ring Dips 5 Deadlifts 225/155# 6 T2B 7 Burpees over the bar 8 Box Jumps 24”/20” 9 KBS 32/24kg 10 Alt DB Snatch 50/35# 11 Cal Row 12 Wallballs 20/14# *from 1-12 and 12-1


Work 5 Sets A1) Sled Push 50ft increasing A2) BB Bent over Row x6 Increasing WOD AMRAP 7 mins 6 Hang Power Cleans 135/95# 9 Burpees over the bar 6 HSPU Rest 3 mins AMRAP 7 mins 12 Deadlifts 135/95# 10 Pull-ups