
Work 20-30 mins to 1RM Deadlift WOD AMRAP 6 mins 3 Power snatches 95/65# 3 Burpees Over the bar …6-9-12-15 (Add 3 reps a round) Rest 3 mins AMRAP 6 10 Hang Power cleans 95/65# 7 T2B


Work Death by box jumps 30”/24” (add 1 rep each minute) WOD AMRAP 20 mins 10 Right KB front rack walking lunges 24/16kg (5/side) 6 HR push-ups 12 Alternating DB Snatches 50/35# 6 HR Push-ups 10 Left KB front rack walking lunges


Work 6×3 of 1 DB Squat Clean + 1 DB Front Squat + 1 DB Shoulder to OH (Increasing) WOD AMRAP 5 mins 7 Thruster 115/80# 7 C2B 7 HSPU Rest 5 mins AMRAP 7 mins 8 Burpee Box jumps 24”/20” 8 Ring Dips 8 Pistols


Work 8 sets 20sec Assault Bike Sprint 1:30 rest WOD AMRAP 12 mins 5 Right arm DB OH Lunges 50/35# 10 Sit-ups 8 DB Snatch Alternating 50/35# 10 Sit-ups 5 Left arm DB OH Lunges 50/35#


Work EMOM 10 mins Odd: 5 deadlifts @50% Even: 10 Wallballs 20/14# WOD 4 rounds 15 KBS 24/16kg 10 Pull-ups 15 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg 10 Push-ups 15 KB Deadlifts 24/16kg Cap:20 mins