
WOD EMOM 50 Team of 2 (Both work at the same time) – 30sec Assault Bike – 12-15 Sit-ups -12-15 KBS 24/16kg – 30sec Row – 12-15 GTOH 45/25# – 10-12 Box Jumps 24”/20” – 10-12 DB snatch 50/35# – 30sec DU – 10-15 Wallballs 20/14# – 10-15 push-ups


Work 30 Burpee Bar MU or pull-ups for time Cap:15 mins WOD AMRAP 7mins 3 Thrusters 95/65# 3 Burpees over the bar add 3 reps each round (6-9-12-15…) Rest 3 mins AMRAP 7mins 3 KBS 24/16kg 3 HRPU add 3 reps a round (6-9-12-15…)


Work 3 x 10/7 Cal AB warm-up WOD Team of 2 (One work one rest) 100 DU 100 Ring Row 100 Air-Squats 100 Shoulder to OH BB 45/35# 100 Sit-ups 100 KBS 24/16# 100 Back Extension 100 KB Deadlifts (one KB) 32/24kg 1000m Row Cap: 45mins


Work 6 sets 2 Push-Jerk + 1 Split Jerks Build to a heavy complex for the day WOD 6 Rounds 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 5 Power Snatch 95/65# 10 Burpees over the bar 5 OHS 95/65# Cap: 25 mins