
Work BB Push-Press 5×3 Increasing WOD 800m Row 6 Rounds of “the Chief” 400m Row 4 Rounds “the Chief” 200m Row 2 Rounds “the Chief” *The Chief* 3 Power Cleans 135/95# 6 Push-ups 9 Air-Squats


Work 10 squat clean 135/95# 8 squat clean 165/115# 6 Squat clean 185/135# 4 Squat clean 205/145# 2 Squat Clean 225/155# WOD 4 sets AMRAP 3 mins 50 DU 10 HR Push-Ups Max Cal row Rest 2 mins Score is total Cals


Work 10 Min KB complex 30sec R side OH 30sec L side Suitcase carry 30sec L side OH 30 sec R side Suitcase carry *not allowed to let go WOD 21-15-9 Burpees to plate GTOH 45/25# *right into 9-7-5 Thrusters 95/65# Pull-ups


Work 5 sets A1) Strict pull-up 4-6 (*weighted) A2) BB Bentover Row 4-6 Increasing WOD 6 rounds 2 Rope climbs 10 GTOH 45/25# 200m Run 12 DB Snatches 50/35# 15 Sit-ups


Work EMOM 12 Odd: 1 Power clean + 1 Squat clean + 1 Front Squat 165/115# Even: 5-7 Ring Dips WOD AMRAP 20 mins 12 KBS 24/16kg 9 Air-Squats 6 HSPU 3 Power Snatch 135/95#


Work 5 Sets A1) 10 GHD sit-ups A2) Double KB OH walk 100ft Increasing WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Cal Row Push-ups Box Jumps 24”/20”