
Work 5×3 @75% Pause Deadlift (3sec Pause at the knees) WOD 21 Burpees over the bar facing 21 Power cleans 135/95# 21 Burpees over the bar facing Finisher 5 sets 200ft Farmer carry increasing


Work KB Front rack Bulgarian Split Squat 4×8/side increasing WOD AMRAP 8 mins 10 T2B 30 DU Rest 4 mins AMRAP 8 mins Wallballs 20/14# *15 Sit-ups when you break


WOD EMOM 48 mins (8 stations) – 30sec Assault Bike – 12 KBS 24/16kg – 30sec Row – Plank hold 30sec – 10 Box Jumps 24”/20” – 10 Burpees – 10 GTOH 45/25# – 8 DB Thrusters 50/35#


Work 5 Sets A1) Tire Flips x4 A2) Sled Push 50ft Increasing WOD “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 DU Sit-ups *Right into* 21-15-9 KBS 24/16kg Burpees


Work A1) Single Leg Deadlift 5×10/side Increasing A2) Single Arm DB Bentover Row 5×10/side Increasing WOD “Cindy” AMRAP 20mins 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air-Squats