
WOD 30 cal row 30 box jump overs 24”/20” 30 Snatches 75/55” 30 T2B 30 Snatches 30 Box jump overs 30 cal row


Work 5 sets 1 hang power Clean+ 1 hang Squat clean+ 1 Front Squat (increasing) WOD 7 Rounds 5 Push-Press 95/65# 5 Front Squats 95/65# 7 Burpees over the bar 7 Box Jumps 30”/24”


Work EMOM 12 Odd- 3 Bench Press @65%-75% Even- 4 Strict Pull-ups WOD AMRAP 20 mins 10 OH walking lunges 45/25# 10 T2B 10 DB Snatches 50/35# (5/side) 30 DU  


Work EMOM 10 Odd- 4-6 Strict ring dips Even- 4-6 Strict HSPU WOD AMRAP 10 200m run 5 Thruster 95/65# 10 Push-ups   rest 5mins   AMRAP 10 200m Run 5 Snatches 95/65# 10 Sit-ups


Work A1) Tire flips 4×4 A2) RDL (Stiff leg deadlift) 4×3 Increasing WOD 3 rounds 800m Run 21 Power cleans 155/105#


Work Back Squat 5×3 Increasing (Pause 2secs in the bottom) WOD 4 Rounds 20/15 Cal row 15 Wallballs 20/14# 15 KBS 24/16kg 15 Burpees


Work A1) Sled Push 5x 50ft Increasing A2) Seated DB Shoulder press 5×6 Alt Increasing WOD AMRAP 22 mins 5 Thrusters 95/65# 10 Pull-ups 40 DU 10 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg 5 Ring Dips