
Work 20 Mins to establish a 1RM Back Squat Rest as needed WOD 3 rounds 500m Row 15 Pull-ups 10 Front Squats 95/65# (from the ground) 15 Push-ups 25 sit-ups


Work EMOM 12 0- 10-15 ring row 1- 5 Deadlifts body weight WOD AMRAP 20mins 1 Rope Climb 5 Push-Press 95/65# 10 KBS 32/24kg 15 Box Jumps 24”/20” 1 Rope Climb


Work 20 Mins to establish a 1RM OHS Rest as needed WOD “Randy” For time 75 Snatches 75/55# Finisher 50 T2B not for time


Work Strict Ring-Dips 5x Max Effort (Rest 2mins)   WOD Air bike 15sec Max Cal (all out) rest 2mins 30sec Max Cal (all out) rest 3mins 45sec Max Cal (all out)   EMOM 12mins 0- 10 Box Jumps 1- 12 KBS 24/16kg 2- 30 DUs