
Work 6 Sets increasing Bear Complex 1 power clean 1 front squat 1 push press 1 back squat 1 push press do about 2-3 warm-up sets WOD Open 13.2 AMRAP 10 mins 5 Shoulder to OH 115/75# 10 Deadlift 115/75# 15 Box Jump 24”/20”


Work 5 sets A1) DB or KB Single arm Bent Over row x6/side increasing A2) Banded Hamstring curls lying prone x10/side WOD 3 rounds 10 Thrusters 95/65# 15 Burpees over the bar 35 DU Cap: 18 mins


Work A) BB Strict press 4×3 find a heavy 3 for the day. B) BB Push-press 2×5 at the weight of A (rest 1:30 between the 2 sets) WOD AMRAP 15 mins 12 Wallballs 20/14# 9 Burpees 6 Bar MU


WOD Team of 2 (one work one rest) (If there is a team of 3 add 25 reps to each exercise) 2 Rounds 125 DU 100 Box Jumps 24”/20” 75 Sit-ups 50 BB Shoulder to OH 45/35# 25 T2B Cap: 45mins


Work 4 Sets A1) Single Deadlift to Lunge x6/side A2) Strict Chin-ups x4-6 (Add weight if you can) WOD AMRAP 18 mins 10 R arm DB OH lunges 50/35# 10 Burpees over DB 10 L arm DB OH lunges 50/35# 10 Pull-ups


Work A) 4 sets to build to a heavy 3 rep Front Squat B) 2 Sets of 5 Front Squats @90% of part A (rest 1:30 between the 2 sets) WOD 4 Rounds 5 Ring Dips 10 Alt DB Snatches 50/35# 15 KBS 24/16kg 10 Wallballs 20/14# 5 Snatches 115/80# Read more…


Work 30 MU for time or 30 Bar MU (Scale, use box, elastic, or feet on floor. Work on transition and technique. Use the 30 reps as practice for transition.) WOD AMRAP 7 mins Burpee Box Jump 24”/20” overs with new Burpee standards Finisher 4 sets 20/15 Cal Row rest Read more…


Work 5 sets Pause Deadlift (Pause 3sec at the knees) x2 Increasing WOD Open 14.1 AMRAP 10 mins 30 DU 15 Power Snatch 75/55# Finisher 3 sets 30sec R side plank 30sec Rest 30sec L side plank 30sec Rest


Work 20 mins to build to a heavy complex of 1 Power clean 1 Hang Power clean 1 Hang Squat clean WOD 3 rounds 15 Hang Power Cleans 115/80# 15 Barbell-Facing Burpes Cap: 15 mins Finisher 100 sit-ups for time Cap: 10 mins